Excellent post and I like your short story about the Red-winged Blackbird. The males have recently returned here in Ottawa from warmer areas down south and are staking claims to territory. I love the varied tones and notes they sing calling out. The females should be arriving in the next few weeks as well. Spring nearly here!

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A wonderful post. I love blackbirds, that little flash of red on their wings. And I love your story! I think it could also be a picture book for kids, if you change the ending (I'm guessing). Your words are lovely!

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I enjoyed the song about and the song of the redwing blackbird and your little story. We have a lot of them around my home, in the meadows and creek bottoms. I was just thinking the other day that I need to put the redwing blackbird into my stories.

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What a lovely song! I've never heard that one before.

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To tease out apathy caused me to laugh out loud in the hotel lobby! Absolutely right on target to expose this as a societal issue. Perhaps it is time for the middle to awaken and flood the world with a grand dose of empathy!? Love the story and of course the delightful birds. insightful and inspiring.

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